Director Tutorials


Director vs Flash Survey - Results

Easier Program

The following indicates results by the Director and Flash survey. They represent the views of approximately 282 people. This is still a relatively small audience group and therefore does not claim to be an accurate representation of the Director and Flash user-base as a whole. The results were last updated on 1 April 2005.

Which program is easier to learn and use?
Overall, 65% of all people say Director is easier, 34% say Flash. (Total surveyed = 282)

Based on individual's background

Programmers: 68% say Director is easier, 32% say Flash
Designers: 62%
say Director is easier, 38% say Flash
Both: 65%
of people who both design and program, say Director is easier, 35% say Flash

  Director Flash
programmer 69 33
designer 46 28
both 69 37
  184 (65%) 98 (35%)

Knowing one program better than the other
Knowing Director better: 91% say Director is easier, 9% say Flash.
Knowing Flash better: 89% say Flash is easier 11% say Director.
Know each program to same level: Almost evenly split 57% find Director easier, 43% Flash

Learning the program first
The majority of people who learned Director/Flash first say it that program is easier. The question of which program was learned first has just been included in the survey and so numbers don't represent all those as indicated in the above results.
Learn Director first: 77% say Director is easier, 23% say Flash.
Learn Flash first: 64% say Flash is easier, 36% say Director.

Version of program
The following results compare responses based on the versions of each program they are using, whether they are using an equivalent version of each program or whether one version is later than the other. Of the 198 responses in this area, 50.5% use the same version of Director and Flash, 43% use a later version of Flash to Director, 6.5% use a later version of Director to Flash.
Use the same version: 71% say Director is easier, 29% say Flash.
Use later version of Director:
77% say Director is easier, 23% say Flash.
Use later version of Flash: 49% say Director is easier, 51% say Flash.

What do you find easier about the program you selected over the other?
The specific question of what people find easier in one program over the other was just included recently so total number of responses does not indicate the total group. However, people have tended to list the easiest feature in one program as something that they find hard in the other, and vice versa.

Since the total number of responses in this area is relatively, I will list the order (from most to least) in relation to number of votes for that feature/ part of the program.

Easier Part of Director
1. Lingo coding
2 . UI / layout
3. score timeline
4. code structure /organisation
5. debugging / troubleshooting
6. more logical
7. easier metaphor

8. cast structure
9. learning curve
10. use of Xtras
11. sprite usability / handling
12. usability
13. more familiar with it
14. reusability of code
15. OOP
16. behavior lib
17. easier authoring
more stable
help files
more organised

22. stage based designing

Easier Part of Flash
1. Actionscript coding
2. OOP
3. animation
4. UI
5. easier metaphor
6. movieclips
7. scripting structure / methodology
8. media asset management
9. less programming skills needed
10. feels easier
10. resources available
11. drawing capabilities
12. less windows
13. standards
15. more logical
16. design
17. effects

From the above, it appears there is a contradiction that people are split whether Lingo is easier than Actionscript, see the language comparison page for reasons why.