Director Tutorials


Dean's Director FAQ - LINGO

Another FAQ exists at MediaMacros, which is new and extensive.


Question: Why don't my scripts work?
The most common bugs in an interactive multimedia project occur in scripts. A script may give an error message or it may work but will not produce the result you expect. Bugs can be introduced while typing a script, rearranging contents of the Score or moving around external files.

Scripts may work for a number of reasons and may vary from situation to situation. Below are the most common source of bugs/errors in Lingo scripts:

Typos in Lingo Script
Syntax errors and misspelled Lingo terms are the most common bugs created when writing scripts. When a script does not work or gives error messages, the first thing you should check is that you have not mistyped a word or have the incorrect syntax for a command or statement. These typing errors include terms spelt incorrectly, spaces in wrong places or missing punctuation, keywords, commands or other essential Lingo elements.

Changing scripts unintentionally
An advantage of a sprite script is that it is an independent object which can be applied to multiple sprites. When multiple sprites are linked to the same behavior, any change to the behavior will affect all the sprites to which it is linked. In the same way, a frame behavior that is modified while occurring in multiple frames of a movie will change every instance it appears.

Use of the incorrect behavior/script
Often you will not get any error messages when running your movie but it does not behave in the way you want it to. The likely cause is that the script or behavior is functioning correctly but you have applied it incorrectly. You may want a behavior to send the user to one location but it is going to another. This could be due to a mix-up of attaching behaviors to sprites or attaching them to the incorrect sprites.

Scripting to frame and cast member numbers rather than markers and names
When you write scripts that send the playback head to another location, you should always use markers instead of frame numbers. When you write a script that refers to a cast member, such as switching the cast member assigned to a sprite or playing a sound, you should refer to the member by name rather than the numerical cast value. Referring specific names will reduce the chance of bugs being created when your movie undergoes modification.

Attempting to control the wrong data type
Often different media types have their own exclusive set of properties and exclusive Lingo to match. For example:
This sprite property can set the volume of digital video only in a particular channel represented by whichSprite.
This is a sound channel property can set the volume of a sound channel represented by whichChannel.
This cast member property can set the volume of a Shockwave Audio streaming cast member represented by whichCastMember.
While all the above properties refer to volume, each is unique to a particular cast member type.

Looping in a Frame with Transitions
This is a big NO-NO. Transitions use RAM to generate. When the frame is in a loop with a transition, the transition will tie up memory and may overload your computer. Transitions also disable interactivity and so any links from such a frame may not work or will behave inconsistently. It is better to have a transition in one frame and then have a loop in the next frame. In this way, the transition will not interfere with any behaviors or scripts in the subsequent frame.

Different types of scripts can conflict with each other

Director has an internal hierarchy of messages it receives from scripts. If instructions are placed in the wrong order in this hierarchy, they may not work. For example, sprite scripts take priority over cast member scripts. The instructions in the cast member script will be ignored when both scripts are linked to one sprite.

Outmoded Lingo used
As a beginner, you may be experiencing Lingo for the first time. But, if you have used earlier versions of Director, you may find that Lingo terms you were familiar with are no longer used. Each version of Director undergoes an upgrade of Lingo with new commands and features added and old ones replaced or removed. It is best to look up code in the Lingo Dictionary to confirm the syntax and currency of Lingo elements before writing them in a script.

Sometimes the official Lingo support issued by Macromedia does not indicate what actually works in practice. For example, the pause command has been deemed as obsolete from Director 6 and Macromedia suggests you use go the frame instead. However, the pause command still works in Director 8.5. The difference between pause and go the frame, which existed at the same time, is that the pause command stops a movie completely, including stopping, time based media, such as sound or video.

Me and other parameters

Question: What does the me is scripts mean?

The term me is a parameter. Look at my technote Using me and other parameters in Lingo, which explains the concept of me, it's context in scripts and how to go further with the use of parameters in behaviors.

You can also look at my Lingo Programming Definitions page, which briefly defines all the different Lingo terms used when writing scripts.

Question: How do I write a simple behavior with parameters that I can set like the ones in the Behavior Library?

Look at my technote Using me and other parameters in Lingo, which looks at parameters starting with the term me and moving towards creating user defined parameters in behaviors. More examples of behaviors with parameters are explained in Understanding Behaviors.

For an explanation of all the programming terms look at my Programming Definitions page.


Question: What standard cursors can Director use via Lingo?

In Director, you can access the standard inbuilt operating system cursors or you can create your own custom cursor. The cursor command can be used with a number of a corresponding system cursor (see picture below), or to refernce a cast member to act as a custom cursor. Custom cursers need to follwo certain rules such as amount of colours and size.. Below is a table of the standards system cursors accessible to Director and their corresponding numbers.

Question: How can I create my own custom cursor?

You could also set the cursor of a sprite to your own custom cursor through the following Lingo: sprite(whichSprite).cursor = [castMember, maskCastMemeber]
For example sprite(1)Cursor = [1, 2] assigns a custom cursor to sprite 1. The cursor is described as a linear list, where 1 is cast member 1 (the cursor image), and 2 is cast member 2 (the bitmap to be used as a mask). The cursor bitmaps have to be 12 by 12 pixels and 1 bit.

You can create custom animated or colour cursors with the Cursor Xtra. Go to Insert > Media Element > Cursor. Play around with the dialog box that appears. This allows you to have a 32x32 pixel cursor. The bitmaps can be colour but only 8 bit depth. The cursor will can then be assigned by the Rollover Cursor Change behavior.

The third option for creating a custom cursor is to set the cursor to blank (invisible) and then link a sprite to the mouse movement. This can be done using the behaviors in the Library Palette. First, put the sprite you want to become your cursor in the last channel of the Score. Attach the Sprite Track Mouse behavior from the Library Palette to it. Attach a Rollover Cursor Change behavior to the sprite and change it to blank. You could do this by the cursor 200 statement. Make sure you move the registration point of the sprite to wherever you want the your custom cursor to be aligned to the mouse.

Question: What are the keycodes for all the KEYS?

F1 - 122
F2 - 120
F3 - 99
F4 - 118
F5 - 96
F6 - 97
F7 - 98
F8 - 100
F9 - 101
F10- 109
F11- 103
F12 - 111
Ins - 114
Del - 117

pUp - 116
pDn - 121
Home - 115
End - 119
Tab - 48
Scroll Lock - 107
PauseBr - 76
BackSpace - 51
arrow up - 126
arrow down - 125
arrow left - 123
arrow right – 124

There are 3 free utilities that gives you any key pressed code at MediaMacros.
Macromedia have a technote on Using Keyboard input.