Havok Xtra Dev Home > Demos > Thrust

ThrustView this Demo Online 145kb



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Thrust was a classic BBC-Micro and Commodore-64 game back in the mid-80's. This demo recreates some of the functionality of the original but updates it to 3D (proving of nothing else that Thrust was just fine in 2D and doesn't translate to 3D particularly well!). Control the ship using the arrow keys and space to thrust and attempt to navigate the caves until you find the pool ball (!) on a box. However in close proximity to the ball until the border color changes - indicating that your tractor beam has locked onto the ball. Now thrust away with the ball attached and attempt to negotiate your way back through the cave system out an exit at the top. If you hit any walls the attachment to the ball with be lost. Experiment with the feel of the ship with the heavy ball attached. We've used some particle systems for effects and also transparent "shadow volumes" to indicate the distance from the ground (straight down) and the direction to the ball.

ARROW KEYS: control the orientation of the ship
SPACE: apply thrust
"z" / "x": spin camera left / right around the ship

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