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With the Havok system, games like pool are pretty easy to re-create. The pool table and all the balls are being physically modelled and were taken directly from the 3ds max. Effects like back-spin and side-spin fall out of the physics engine - the impact between the cue stick and the ball is modelled with an impulse applied to the ball at the point specified by the position of the Havok logo on the ball in the top right. If the impulse is applied at the top of the ball you get top-spin. No need for any special case coding! The balls actually fall into the pockets and accumulate at the base of the table (you can see this if you zoom out and spin the table around so that you can see in the window on the bottom). The cue can be difficult to control but with swift smooth mouse movements you should be able to get good hard shots working.

LEFT MOUSE BUTTON: control camera movement
CUE STICK: to hit the ball click on the cue stick and move the mouse forward smoothly
ENGLISH / SPIN: to control where the ball is struck position the Havok logo on the ball
ZOOM: use the slider on the left to zoom in / out

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