Havok Xtra Dev Home > Demos > Maze

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This is the Havok version of a classic puzzle game. Tilt the maze to control the rolling of the 4 balls and attempt to maneuver them towards the center hole. A timer monitors how fast you do this. Hit reset (under the Havok logo) at any time to reset the game to the start. The tilting of the maze is actually achieved by altering the direction of gravity to always point in the direction the camera is facing (offset slightly so that when viewed face on the balls fall towards the bottom of the maze). We've implemented a simple trackball interface to make it easy to tilt the camera / maze. The maze itself was modelled in max and importer as-is into Director 8.5. The motion of the balls is entirely due to the Havok physics system and required no additional code (except the check to see if they have fallen through the hole).

LEFT MOUSE BUTTON: control movement
MOUSE: tilt the maze

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